Privilege Gotchas
This one quick trick to allow a program to bind port 443 can waste hours of time!
Favicon Fun
I love the Astro homepage favicon effect, and replicated it on my site.
Ransom Note
Given the text for a ransom note, determine if enough letters exist in a magazine to create it.
Breaking down Subsum Equals K
given an array of integers, find the number of continuous subarrays equal to `k`.
Revivifying the Blog
I recently had a friend come across my blog, and was promptly shamed for having a certificate more out of date than the VCR. Such an embarrassment couldn't rest, and so I cleaned up my act a bit.
Finals, Deluge, and mutable constness
6/23/2018Unknown creatorCan't believe it's been over a week since I last wrote a post. I'm mid finals, so it's a quick touch-back. I paid for Plex on Google Play, bought a new hard drive, and loaded up a ton of songs so I can have my own mini Spotify on the fly.
TLS at Home (and my Plex/Deluge setup!)
Last friday / weekend I installed my TLS cert I generated for my router on my desktop for services I run off of it.
GitLab Pages > GitHub Pages?
I just finished migrating from GitHub to GitLab.
Apt install on a Disconnected Wireless System
I just was installing ubuntu on a platform that only has wireless capabilities, and decided to install the server edition to minimize overhead / avoid having an X server + desktop environment to disable. Woe, the server edition of Ubuntu ships with no wireless utilities, because nobody in their right mind would run a wireless server.
Let's Encrypt HTTPS on DD-WRT
I run a DD-WRT router on a Netgear WNDR4500 router. It's been in my life since I can remember, and came along with me to college. A while back I loaded the DD-WRT firmware onto it, and it's been serving like a champ ever since.
Wake On LAN
I built a JS visualization tool for my CS networking class, in which we had to design a program for emulating a network bridge implementing spanning tree protocol. Having to infer from configuration files and output from the simulation where a fault lies sucks, so instead I built this tool to help myself out.
d3 Network Visualization
I built a JS visualization tool for my CS networking class, in which we had to design a program for emulating a network bridge implementing spanning tree protocol. Having to infer from configuration files and output from the simulation where a fault lies sucks, so instead I built this tool to help myself out.
Do You Wanna Build a HPC Cluster?: Part 2 - Users
12/19/2017Unknown creatorWith all your computers networked together, you're going to quickly realize that user management becomes a nightmare across machines. Ansible can help for small clusters.
Jetson at Home
I have a couple of CUDA-capable devices though my house
A Better Github Pages Theme
T'was the week before Christmas break, and all through the house, and not a soul was stirring, except for the mouse. The deadlines were approaching, the semester drawn short. Stress was upon us, and the time drew near. But wait! We can procrastinate for years!
Do You Wanna Build a HPC Cluster?: Part 1 - Networking
For those of you that don't personally know me, and therefore haven't witnessed the slow descent into madness that comes every fall to haunt me, welcome to the International Supercomputing Conference!
Counting Ones
12/4/2017Unknown creatorSo, say you have a bitstring, `11010110`, and you want to count how many ones are in it.
Computer Architecture for Dummies
11/30/2017Unknown creatorComputers are the miracle of the modern age, and have transformed the way we work, think, and live. To most, computers are magical and 'just work', a sentiment derived from the boundless effort spent developing wonderful machines and software by computer engineers and scientists.
Acer Aspire & the UEFI Blues
10/10/2017Unknown creatorLong long ago, I bought an Acer laptop. When it broke, I replaced the HDD and installed Linux. Acer's UEFI implementation sucks, so to get it booting I had to do some hacking.